Recharge With These Easy-to-Implement Habits. | Guest Post

So many of us aren’t successful in reaching our goals. Oftentimes, this is a result of setting goals that aren’t realistic or specific or trying to achieve something that doesn’t fit with your lifestyle. If you are looking to improve your health but aren’t sure how to meet your goals, it’s important to identify new habits that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

Here are some top recommendations from Luci with an I for finding healthy, positive habits that are easy to implement.

Build a nutritious meal plan that works for you:

According to Scientific American, “80% of people who shed a significant portion of their body fat will not maintain that degree of weight loss for 12 months.” While researchers are still working to determine all of the factors that lead to the common problem of regaining weight after dieting, it’s common that many diets don’t match long-term lifestyle needs.

Whether your goal is to lose weight or to eat more nutrient-dense foods, your diet plan has to work for your needs and preferences. While it can be easy to leap onboard the latest dieting trends, the foods and habits involved likely won’t be a great match for you over time.

As an alternative, build weekly meal plans that work for what you want to achieve. Include favorite foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, and that meet your caloric, fat, sodium, and other nutritional requirements. To avoid poor dietary choices, make this new health habit even easier by exclusively shopping at health food stores.

Make your workouts fun:

If you have a difficult time maintaining a consistent workout regimen, try switching up your activities. If spending an hour on the treadmill seems unbelievably dull, you have the freedom to choose a different fitness activity.

Have fun with as many workouts as you can. This could mean taking up a new sport such as tennis, yoga or basketball. Whatever you do, set a goal to enjoy the process of becoming a healthier and fitter version of yourself.

Make this habit easier to implement by regularly browsing local fitness events online, and by scheduling your workouts in advance. Give your workouts (and self-esteem) a boost with a new pair of sneakers, high-quality leggings, or comfortable sports bra. 

Many people find that a fitness tracker or smartwatch can help them meet their fitness goals as they can monitor and share their progress. There are also many fitness apps you can take advantage of. If you’re going to use your smartphone to work out, a low-profile armband can keep it in place. 

Create a healthy home environment:

Your home environment plays a large role in your mental and emotional well-being. If your family has been arguing, complaining, and being negative over the past year, it’s time to make some changes to reduce the stress in your living space. 

Start with the goal of relieving tension in your household by creating a positive, welcoming, and relaxing space. Take simple steps such as letting fresh air in more often, using an essential oil diffuser with calming scents, minimizing clutter, setting up a cleaning routine, and creating comfortable spaces for your family to interact with one another.

Check in with yourself daily:

Another aspect of caring for your overall health is to check in with yourself regularly. This means taking a few minutes at the beginning of each day to ask yourself what you need to feel productive, healthy, and balanced. By asking yourself what you need to operate at your highest potential, you can more effectively take care of your mental and physical health.

Set a reminder on your phone for the same time each day to reflect on your needs, and to do a 5-10 minute check-in with your mind and body.

Adopting healthy habits doesn’t require impossible willpower, an expensive line of supplements, or the latest and greatest home workout equipment. Instead, by creating habits that work for you, and by making each habit as simple as possible to implement, you can more easily feel and look your best.

Luci with an I has a love for all things Beauty, Fashion and Travel. If you’d like to collaborate, reach out today!

Thank you so much to Sophie from Meditation Help for writing this guest post for my site, I really hope you all enjoyed it; be sure to check out her site if you’re looking for to learn more about meditation.


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